A digital platform for the healthcare services of cognitive decline

Zucchetti Healthcare, UPIPA – Unione Provinciale Istituzioni Per l’Assistenza, AIP – Associazione Italiana Psicogeriatria, Università Bocconi | CERGAS, Fondazione Bruno Kessler, ICT Legal Consulting

Facilitate access to healthcare services for caregivers of people with cognitive decline

Action area
Well-being and healthcare practices

Co-design, New Service & Product Creation, Digital Design

2023 – ongoing

Una piattaforma digitale per la cura del decadimento cognitivo / Shifton Stories

The project

To facilitate access to cognitive decline healthcare services, Shifton has co-designed Familiar, a digital platform aimed at caregivers and healthcare workers, in collaboration with Zucchetti Healthcare.

Cognitive decline is a condition that not only affects those who suffer from it, but also extends to their families and all those who daily take care of the patient. This implies the existence of a system of relationships between different actors, from caregivers to healthcare service providers, local institutions, and the community, each involved to a different degree depending on the stage of the disease and their role within the care pathway.

This complexity can translate into a series of social and systemic fixes, such as those faced by family members when they try to find reliable information or figure out who to turn to when in need. This complicates access to healthcare services, as well as the management and well-being of the patient.

The challenge

How can we facilitate interactions related to cognitive decline care between local institutions, communities, healthcare service providers, and beneficiaries?

The strategy

The strategy adopted involved deconstructing the complexity and analyzing the ecosystem of relationships that exist between various stakeholders throughout the care pathway. This was possible through a process of listening and co-designing moments participated by both experts and the stakeholders themselves, allowing us to identify the main needs and challenges to address.

The process

Through a first strategic workshop, together with some of the company’s key figures and managers, we worked on redefining the values and the most significant stages of the client-experience, and built a future scenario capable of guiding its evolution. During the next phase, we conducted a series of one-on-one interviews with the store managers of the different stores to map and understand the needs, strengths, and critical issues related to the current in-store experience, privileging the perspective of the retail teams. A desk research phase enabled us to map inspirational cases and best practices in the training world.

A digital platform for the healthcare services of cognitive decline / Stackeholder map / Shifton Stories

Subsequently, we conducted a series of qualitative interviews with some of the identified stakeholders and mapped the entire care pathway for patients with cognitive decline, from early warning signs to facility admission. The first phase ended with desk research dedicated to collecting inspirational case studies, which we later shared with partners during the ideation phase to stimulate the generation of ideas related to the platform.

The points emerged during the interviews and the results of the desk research led us to the second phase of the project: ideation and co-design of the platform. At Zucchetti Healthcare’s headquarters in Rovereto, together with academic experts from Bocconi University, Zucchetti technology experts, RSA technicians and social services, we conducted an initial co-design workshop to determine which of the four clusters the platform should primarily address. This was followed by a second online workshop to define the details of Familiar’s functionalities.

Shifton / A digital platform for care of cognitive decline / The project
Shifton / A digital platform for the treatment of cognitive impairment / The process

Listening to all stakeholders involved in the care pathway and participatory design not only allowed us to identify caregivers and socio-healthcare operators as the beneficiaries of the platform, but also to understand that their professional training is a key aspect in facilitating access to healthcare services.

We then provided support and monitoring to Zucchetti, who, starting from the minimum functionalities of the platform identified during the last workshop, began to develop the first interfaces of Familiar. User testing on mockups – low-definition prototypes of the platform – is still ongoing in three residential care facilities.

Shifton / Una piattaforma digitale per la cura del decadimento cognitivo / Mockup

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